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gary baldy

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after you have filled your car with petrol and you go to pay what do you say?
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In the film Lifeboat.. how does Hitchcock make his customary appearance?
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How did a small island's people like the British, turn from farming, and then go on to create the Industrial Revolution, thus leading the world in inventions, and the skills to manufacture these...
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Can anyone suggest a good site that has tv listings in an easily viewable form? Search facilities would also be handy, thanks
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when i boil up my kettle with vinegar init to descale it do i leave it stood for an hour or what? help
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grace kelly stared in 3 hitchcock movies dial m for murder rear window which other film?
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Hi I remember f film from the 80's I think about two scottish guys who dress as clowns and rob tourist buses. Anyone remember the film!!! Or was i dreaming, i have this think for clowns. No not like...
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Just been on Justin Timberlake's website to see about tickets for his tour..from ?35-?50, which was fine...until i saw the booking fee!! Cheapest ticket's booking fee was ?39.55! I couldn't believe...
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On the Tweenies, who is Max and Judy? I thought it might have been some sort of day care setting they go to but why would you have a dog there and you never see their parents dropping them off.
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Does anyone know if/where I can get hold of 'Where's that fire?' by Will Hey? It used to be on, but I haven't seen it for years. Is it true that you can't get it any more?
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After watching the 'new' ********* tonight, I started to wonder what the reason was behind Mark Lemarr leaving the show? I've searched on Google and Wikipedia and it doesn't really say much. Does...
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anyone know which mobile phone the spooks use?
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China Doll
Morning All, This may be a bit of a long shot but I have been trying to find out the name of a photographer who I think is rather famous for aerial shots. There are two photographs that I have seen,...
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does anyone know where the sony bravia paint advert was filmed
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Watched this on C4 to-night, a really powerful film with brilliant storyline and acting. Was there a real life connection, it did say in memory of Michael Joseph Considine?
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I heard a good film trivia question last night that I thought I would share with you and see who knew the answer... Name 2 films that each starred 2 actors who were both Oscar winning directors?
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Hello abers,! As usual I have these questions from an inquisitive nephew and I need help !! Thanks from nephew Hooch !
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.....and not just a case of chav bashing. Is there an anthropological reason as to why so often chav women are fat and chav men are skinny and weedy?
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I'm trying to find an instrumental song that ws late 80's to mid 90's. It was very sexy. A female voice was in the back ground saying things like "I papi". Can anyone help? It also...
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Does anybody know what the music is that Mitchell & Webb use on their show for the hilarious Sir Digby Chicken Caesar sketches? See You Tube if you haven't already seen them..

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