An irish woman pregnant with twins is in a serious accident and ends up in a coma, four months later she stirs and wakes up, realising her pregnant bump has gone she gets into a panic and starts...
Daughter returned from Tkey with horrific tales of rape in the hotel, not her fortunately! Lone women drugged and raped in hotel. Turks observed 'pawing' teenage girl in presence of parents, just to...
Appropriate music when holding on phone. Water company. Cool clear water Frankie Laine. Dentists. All I want for christmas is my two front teeth.The Chipmunks. Local undertakers. Dead ringer for love....
They may sound ike a bit of a silly question............but is there actually a love potion that can actually make someone fall in love with you if taken?
I'm quite happy with mine, but I used to work with someone with the surname Longbottom. His nickname was short*rse. It used to annoy him, but folk still called him it. I have a friend whose surname is...
New study by Hungarian scientists says that women invariably and in the majority , tend to marry men who look like or resemble their father .One example they cite for this is zoe ball , apparently her...