help with times 4243 please argument with aussie bouncer in artillery plant a?????o?t criminal severed warrant d?s???e THis clue is from a church quiz and the answer is a flower of the countryside...
help please to continue 2 dn catch end of finger (4) u??? quietly getting in remark in lesson describing some greek temples (10) i?n?p???a? tyneside worker opening dictionary designed for the right...
could someone please tell me how to enter outlines for 16 down and acrimony for 5 ac and why. also help with the following would be appreciated. maiden aunt decided that old king was a disgrace c???t?...
Finding this difficult this month. Help would be really appreciated. . I am taken in by a friend there's bad feeling ???????m women's confronting cleaner - argument that goes round and gets dirty...
having a bad day with this today! note rising up worktop's right (9) r???table clarify threat ,during negotiations, of crumbling bun on butter (7) ??????t hired demonstrators rude to barmen (4,1,3)...
rip out popularises strange betrothal (8) e???d??? small problem which cold key could sort (6) ?i???? you'll be pleased to hear that the fuel gets better (3-5) o?l-???l? can only think oil wells but...
tv programmes show surgeon's useless - one no longer employed (8) d?????a? thus brick structure can be installed within a day it's believed (9) s????l?w?? turned over a diamond possibly ace (4) ?e?a...
stuck at bottom left continue most recent model (4) heckles speaker's introduction without provacation (8) the head's less ambitious students (4) thanx
can someone help me get going please with 14 dn during brief kiss, one shows male and female characteristics....... i have ???????x 15 dn on the threshold military intelligence chaps under control (8)...
can someone please help with 31 across heartless henry and wild rod with lots in CID back from water study (12) i have hydro???e??c not sure if these are all correct.
am really stuck with the following, any help would be appreciated. animal finding currency in (5) animal takes second spending a penny...(4) joiner stuck on sulphur the blasted stuff (4) sound of pet...