I saw a Spellmaster comment on apostrophes in plurals i.e. CD's rather than CDs. This one confuses me, can't I use my apostrophe for the missing letters? I ain't having a go Spellmaster - I'm an...
I can vaguely remember seeing Clive James on TV explain is his jokey way that women in Japan have a totally different attitude to sex and relationships from western women. He said that pre-marriage...
Why and who thought that some words are known to be swear words and why is in that in the UK 'wan*er' is offensive and yet in America it is a common surname?
Why in the UK do we have complex 3 pin electric plugs with an earth and fuse (varying from 3 amp to 13), while on the Continent (eg France) they have simple 2 pin jobbies with no earth and no fuse. Is...
In the Guardian* it said Eratosthenes calculated the size of the Earth by comparing shadows cast at midday in two points 800km apart. They didn't have clocks in 240BC. How did the two observers know...
Why do so many car manufacturers choose to name models ending with 'A' e.g. Astra, Fiesta, Primera, Laguna and is this habit mirrored with any other product. Washing powders ending with 'F'?
why is there more disabled parking spaces than parent and child spaces in supermarket car parks. i agree that disabled people require to be closer to the entrance but there seem to be too many of...
Some people write 'Hants' when sending letters to Hampshire. Where does the 'T' and 'N' come from?...or is Hants a totally diff. place and ive just buggered up?
Many years ago, I saw a program on a rainforest. The bed of the forest is under water for 6 months or so of the year and dry for the rest of the year. Does anyone kow the name of this forest and where...