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where do these lyrics come from? ''My mind....who am I?' it sounds like a  depressing 60's/70's psychedelic rock song (but that could just be speculation on my part) a rap group,...
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who made this track?
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what song does trick daddy sample in take it to the house?
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Looking for artist who sang this song...Lyrics include when the **** hit the fan and twist the tip light it up and pass it to your friends....
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Does anyone know what happened to 'Time Computer' company?
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I downloaded anew version of iTunes tonight and added some new songs to my library.  I was also messing about with music files saved on my computer and deleted some, then restored them. ...
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What do you lot think of Eminems New album do you think its better than His last one? Lots of people say hes changed his way a bit but i think its till sounds good?
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How do you enter a recurring decimal? My calculator is a casio fx-83WA S-V.P.A.M.
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theres a song on the david mirra or matt hoffman bmx game on playstation that i really wan to know who its by I saw ozzy osbourne singing it on an outside concert on tv but im not sure if it is him...
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wat r the lyrics to the new 411 song teardrop?
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not really knowing anything about mp3 players which one would be most practical for a15 year olds xmas present bearing in mind cost and ease of downloading?        any...

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