Just a few left here. Any suggestions appreciated. 41 - G2B (Gaeilge) - (Previous answers suggested here e.g. "Giorraíon Beirt Bóthar" and "Gaeilge do Béarla" are doubtful in my opinion) 42 - C C,... ...
Any help with the following would be appreciated. Thank you all in advance. 6A - There's nothing positive about being charged with what GOP managed to do in Nov. 1979. [?L?C????] 13A - Maybe by... ...
Any help with the following would be appreciated. 13A - Organise race, popular with KKK members, to the islands around the end of Galway Bay, in fact both. Possibly A?Y?N? 57A - State that Sal,...
35 down, be this to the pin and go home happy. 7 letters n--r-s- 65 across, i game to keep rights worth fighting for. 5 letters i-e-e 81 across, traditional way to modify cars? 6 letters c--t-n 91...