13a Is the boxer called Tom Sprigg? If not who is he, yet again stuck on last one. Don't half miss the Herculis!!
Come on DT Editors get it back - moan over!!
As always stuck on one - 36d Hollow cylinders -
have d?a?t?b? Cann't think beyond DUALTUBE but cann't confirm it on google. All help gratefully received.
Stuck on 2 and in a rush as I've got to get ready for a friend's wedding. Any help greatly appreciated. 1d Mexican city and 34d French phrase Thanks in advance and good luck Tash and Mark for this...
15a physics term, observable effect of light moving from a massive body such as a star or black hole, when energy is lost. have ?i?s?e?n ?h?f? think second word could be shift 21d containing seed of...
Completely stuck on last 3, help please anyone: 7d Organ pipe - have R?E? S?U? Think it is reed something! 8d Riding Style - have S?T?I?G ?R?T Think it is sitting something 14d Troop arrangements...
Struggling with last two, any help gratefully received: 16a Legal term for person guilty of wrongful act. Have ?o?t ?e?s?r 30a Roman pottery Terra sigillata. Have ?a?i?n ?a?e
Two to go - help please 30a fixing chronology of an archaeological subject. Have ?R?S? DATING 38a Early forerunner of magnetic tape machine. Have ?I?E RECORDER Thanks in advance for curing brain ache.