1. criminal loses direction
2. drink for her majesty
3. in braemar shall have one
4. company before endless drama
5. a drink hat and singer
6. confused terry exchanges direction for50...
22. red doughy male
23. they think they're clever
25. some say it's a train
28. healthy eating from a new york hotel
30. furry wild animal from the west...
12. mature from the gorge
14. over warm drink from the north
15. looking for compliments
18. make a claim (steak?)
19. a follower of mary
21. the earls place in kent...
1. cereal that goes with a bang
2. fruit that's disintegrating
3. eat in the hut
4. a seaside resort in devon
5. fruity support
6. cold from the dairy
7. rough highway for tea....
3. could be half a dance 4. she was famous for her candlelight dinners 11. toffee & a vegetable 13. planet 25. could she be harrys sister 27. part of this one could make you nod off 28. abroken...
1. the man is in town
7. 16ozs are back in colour
9. hydrogen and the girl are not applicable
17. two girls
20. sounds like the nut is first class
19. a good man is muddled and has a turn...