14A - name given to a group of bantu warriors(4) -m-i 34A - a freshwater fish, the bleak (5) -s-e- 4D - novels of semir rural middle classes (3, 5) -g-s-g-s 37D - in ancient greece a young male...
2D - substance that stimulates the formation of an agent causing clumping of bacteria, cells etc (12) -g-g--t-----n - (I thought agglutinins but doesn't fit!) 32D - loose outer garments worn in India...
20d - ladies singles tennis player who won the 2002 los angeles open title (7,50) c-a-d-a -u-i- 28a - small fish characterised bhy an elongated tapering body and a long dorsal fin (6) b-e-n-
1a - law breaking as a business 9.5 d--g-n---s ---m- 12a - alderman, say 4,6 ----- father 27a - personal reason for action 6,8 -e-t-d -n-e-e-t 4d - yellowish quality 918a change path of light in...