8d) conditions imposed on gambler for improved relationship? (6,5) ?e???? ?e?m 6d) where the van is of course (2,5) i? f???? 12a) put on the level yet not true. (4,3) even ??? thanks in advance for...
10a) i object: i had gone back to strangely nice physic (8) ?e???i??
18a) TOP-BILLING DANDY TO BEGIN WITH (5,3) s?a?t ?f?
5a) beef or fish (4) ?a??
thanks in advance...
4a) recruits for strange sect about the present time (6) ???e??
11a) the strain associated with someone's departure (5) ??r??
thanks in advance for any help...
1d) active prototype for one employed as a mannequin. 7, 5. ??????? ??o?e?. second word might be model. 1a) at which a man was bound to reeceive his stripes. 7,5. ????c?n p??? 7d) play advertisement...
help please 14d) does it cut one in pieces, this race? 7 ???t???c 15d) he sites the deposit containing valuables 6 ?l???r2d) a cross in the centre of a revolution 4 ?x?? thanks in advance for any help