The following are bands or solo artists...... any ideas please? 1. Maintain equilibrium.2. Preserve reflects on a famous river.3. Halt Jock and Halt Jock. Thanks for any help.
2d industrial area and city in northern germany b----- 22a resort and port in south africa d-r--- horn plated south american mammal -r---i--- 54a a role for steve mcqueen in the towering inferno...
All answers relate to 'who or what comes to/through your door' ........e.g. solid fuel male = coalman.1. A condition of pain, danger, need or strife.2. Morally admirable fortune.3. Not good glance...
all the answers describe a chocolate treat. 1.light fleecy tuft(4) 2.You'll be in a spin over this one!(5) 3.the 3D snack(6) 4.Float away(4) 5. blooming on a hand with no fingers?(5) 6.anS followed by...
Hi Everybody, I don't ask for help very often,and I don't like having to ask to many questions.I know I posted some yesterday but I've come to a grinding halt on these last ones,which are left out of...
Would some kind soul possibly have the answers to 9A 38A
and 40A. I swap papers with my neighbour and she has cut out a token from the page leaving me clueless!
2d. Form of baptism involving whole or partial submerging of a person in water. (9) ??m?i?i?? 3d Dessert consisting of a particular soft fruit and ice cream laced with a liqueur. (5,5) ??a?r ?e??a