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"bringing up children on your own is very difficult, even when there are two parents"
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When you see a sign in a supermarket for example stating 10 items or less (or fewer) just how many things qualify as an item? Do 6 individual tins of the same dog food count as 6 separate items or one...
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Hammer Head
Where has the widespread misuse of the apostrophe come from. The apostrophe (as I was taught) is used to denote missing characters or to denote possession. Nobody has ever been taught in any school to...
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I ahve two outdoor cats, males, neutered and chipped. I am moving from a small towm to a big city soon. There is no way I can keep these cats indoors for long, they meow and pace and get very fretfull...
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We have 12 week old girl kitten. Cant think of (or agree on ) a good name. I like Sybil but no-one else does. Hubby likes Kitty but its not exactly original is it? Son likes Tixy but it sounds cough...
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My cat went missing recently, he is only 2 years old so I'm pretty distraught about it. Does anyone have any good ideas on where to I can look for him or does anyone even think its likely that cats...
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I have a 9 year old female who I have had since a kitten. I have (two weeks ago) taken on a 9 week old male kitten. The house has turned to utter bedlam. Despite trying to ensure the older cat gets...
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We have had our 11 year old cat for just over a year now, most of the time he likes to be fussed, but sometimes he just turns and bites. Does any one know why cats sometimes beahve this way? Thanks in...

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