10d) In the lead one can be found - unsuccessfully(2,4) ????n....5d) Bachelor of Letters, he is very happy(6) ??i???.....5a) Be about to have just the thing, a mouthful(4) ??t? {could it be BITE...
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6d) School's means of coping with clods(7) h???o??
10a) Worn out, I appear in German city(7) n?????h
14a) A mother's hat, by the sound of it - an eighteenth century fashion(4,5)
a?a? ????e...
4d) Shooter's more than just warm as a result of the fire(7)g?n??op - if the answer is gunshop, why? 2d) Lake and countryside(4) l?n? - again, if the answer is Land, why? 1a) Taking to the air with...
14 a) Quite a few to part with a pound(7) S?V?R?? - 15 d) Magnificent in an uncommon way?(6) ??R??Y . The problem I have is that the first letter of 15 d) is the last letter of 14 a). If 14 a) is...
Disagreeing about one point whilst trying to be amusing(9)f???????t - Shy Timothy with identification(5)??M?T - Pass drink that hasn't been finished(3) ??l - Turf attracts backing(5)??A?K - (cold this...
Last three : 1a) Stretches into the future - and the past!(6) e?s?s - 14a) National roll-call?(5) s?i?s - 26a) If retired, senior chaps have positions in the field(8) ?i?l?e?s.