Just need one ot finish. 5d. Swelling up before taking cover in Berkshire (7) I have: ?E?B?R? assuming that 10a nswer is "Shutterbug" Thanks in advance for your help.
18 Down Light dancing shoes, also regional dialect for plimsolls 44 Across City in Southeasten Peru with a rainbow coloured flag 17 Across Lancashire-born broadcaster and journalist, knighted in 1973,...
23d. Genus of trees and shrubs with distinctive winged fruits. 4 letters. -c-r. 47d. "Dancing begets -, which is the parent of wantonness." Henry Fielding. 6 letters. -a-m-h. 50d. Friend of the...
5D Firings of guns as symbols of intense gladness (4.2.4) ***X/D*/***E and 13A Italian sauce made with anchovies, garlic, capers, oil and herbs (5,5) *A**A/V*R** Thanks in advance.
Any help please? 3d. A style of afro american folk music ?l?e? 8d. Indian deep fried fritter of meat vegetable or fish coated in chickpea flour batter ?a?o?a 36a. Australian aboriginal dance ceremony;...
Hemispherical transparent window in the roof of an aircraft, formerly used for navigation. Stumped with this one, have tried Googling with no success. Thanks for any help received.
I ama stuck on 27d 9 hemisperical transparent window in the roof of an aircraft - a?t?o?o?e and 22d a type of pressure measuring device invented by French engineer - ?i?o? tube ? Please and thanks