1 A country famous for curry (8) 10 The Fruit and the Bird have the same name (3) (7) 20 Avocados grown here (5) 21 So many pineapples here (5)(4) 24 To add heat to a meal (5) ALL ANSWERS ARE EITHER... ...
1 everyone's keeping up unified like the herd of Alcocks flying partner (3,8,4,6,4) All together like ?????? ??w? 37 Bunch of friends who are "there for you" in times of trouble (7,5) ?????r?... ...
4. metal prison room (6) 10 are you contemplating or moaning (6,4) 19 French eating (6) 2 Abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz (4) all answers relate to the festive season
12 could be a lazy snake (4,4) ???? W??? 19 Is this girl hirsute? (5,5) ????y ????? 20 Tiny sad butterfly (5,4) ????? B??? all answers are creep crawlies!! thank you