Three 4 letter words, for which I would very much appreciate help. Small room not opening for fathead ? o ? ? Area left after company mined fuel ? o ? l Coil Coal Mix together without leader and...
Please help, as I just cannot see this. "New in cricket side, needing time before hard stretch" 3 D 6 letters, I have L.N.T. "N" for new, "T" for time, perhaps, so is the answer LENGTH - but cannot...
16 D
Fenella's rising business establishment
5 letters, and I have
but cannot parse. Don't understand Fenella? Could a contributor kindly explain, thanks...
22A Succeeding someone becoming old is this Two words, 7 letters, 2 letters ??T?ING ?E 21D Start burning both ends of the candle after some ringing around 6 letters ???I?E Many thanks for help...
20A. Craving might 2 words, 5 and 3 letters ? O ? E ? M ? ? 30A Park, steering erratically round end of vehicle 9 letters S ? R ? ? ? E ? ? Anagram of steering + e or c. ?...