Stuck on two.
7dn.Made up of disorganised or incomplete parts(7)
?C?A?P?. The A is the 1st letter of 11ac. Sharp or forthright
(5)-A?E?B.I have put in ACERB.
Any ideas?
14dn -20dn read another way. 20dn is Navigation aid using signals from geostationary satellites (3) - I have G.P.S.
So 14 dn is 7 letters- D?C?O?S. Stuck on last one as usual!
Stuck on 2.3dn.Piece of information associated with insurance.-- (6,6) p?l?c?-n???e?.--looks like policy something.--19ac.--An indistinct quality.-(9)??s?i?e?s.
bility to act appropriately in any situation- French "a knowing how to do"(6-5)-?a?d?r - -?a??e.
.39 ac Small plug of used tobacco left in pipe-d?t??e.