Stuck on two.
7dn.Made up of disorganised or incomplete parts(7)
?C?A?P?. The A is the 1st letter of 11ac. Sharp or forthright
(5)-A?E?B.I have put in ACERB.
Any ideas?
14dn -20dn read another way. 20dn is Navigation aid using signals from geostationary satellites (3) - I have G.P.S.
So 14 dn is 7 letters- D?C?O?S. Stuck on last one as usual!
Name Shared by villages near Campbelltown and Cullen.(8) (L?n?m?l?) 23ac Scottish Labour leader Iain. (4) (Gr??),maybe Grey or Gray.? 25d Maned,wis vext for, peetied.(6) (???i?d) 29ac Mrs Salmond.(5)...
Stuck on 2.3dn.Piece of information associated with insurance.-- (6,6) p?l?c?-n???e?.--looks like policy something.--19ac.--An indistinct quality.-(9)??s?i?e?s.