17a an old world langur monkey of south asia sacred in india e-t-l-u-
25d a figure from folklore and the subject of a tale In Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron g--s-l-a
thanks anyone...
by way of being deserving or commendable o?/?e??t
a rosaceous tree native to Africa and western asia bearing downy yellow juicy edible fruit a??I?ot is it apricot thanks...
in the us a picnic by the sea at which molluses are cooked
the name of a place
in a manner which displays the minute observance of petty rules or details
23. across the language of a pastoral nomadic people of western and central Africa f----I
24.down something that nourishes or sustains the body or mind
last two hairy bee like dipterous insect
a preserved cucumber with the flavour of an aromatic plant
thinking dill pickle
thanks anyone...