Just taken Tigger to the vets and it looks like she has something stuck down her throat from last week. She is going to be anesthetised so that the vet can check down the back of her throat so I've...
I get really dry feet, there not cracked or anything, just unbearably dry, it gets so irritating that it wakes me up in the night....does anyone know of any creams that will help, thanks in advance!
We are trying a new Japanese restaurant this evening. Apart from raw fish is it essentially the same as Thai and Chinese. Yes I know it is like saying English cuisine is like French or Italian, but I...
We were having a very jolly thread a couple of hours ago, and then Thing2 turned up unexpectedly to ponce a glass of wine off me. But she's just gone. So ... what's been going on for the last two...
have you seen your house burn down with your child screaming banging on the window trying to get out and bieng held by the fire brigade so you cant save her? And you think im a joke? Have you ever had...
Why, oh why, is my screen filled with stuff about Party Casino's and the ?200 bonus.... does anyone know a way of killing these darned adverts ? They are doing my head in and I have just got in from...
Can any parents of boys aged 11+ tell me if they son boxes at school? If so are you happy with this? Has it made them more confident? Has it made a man of them? Thank you.
Does anyone believe that the D.U.P. were not offered any incentives to vote for the repeal of the Magna Carta ...oops sorry..... vote on extending the maximum time police can hold terror suspects to...