Is there anyone on Answerbank who is well-known in real life? (And if you tell me you are Elvis, I'll know you are winding me up). Or Basil Brush (we all know that foxes can't type).
Beejay, Happy birthday, Hope you have a great day. He isnt here today but will be around tomorrow (mon) to see this. Just so you know we didnt forget you today! .
There have been numerous posts disparaging the Mc Canns, their daughter is missing irrspective of how it happened this must be the worst thing that can happen to a family. The main person in this sad...
That is accidentally stuck where the sun don't shine? I have tried everything, will it require a visit to A&E? I tried a corkscrew but the pain was unimaginable.
i watched an episode of that guy from eastenders in afghanistan the other night. They had i think, two FSG's ready to attack, they sneaked up on the taliban in the night, and were attacking in the...