Its about time the AB atheists had a big fat believer to sink their teeth into, and tear to shreds, all red in tooth and claw. Like fox hunting, it is an acceptable blood sport :-) So, Richard Dawkins...
IS Satan a ruler of this system or this world - because it is in such a mess and he is using man to destroy himself -- because of HIS selfish desires. The say Bible at John .14.30 it's giving me the...
As a young, ex fundamental, evangelical Christian, what led me out of faith was an (albeit reluctant) admission that I was simply wrong. After years of wrestling with doubts, questions, voracious...
Despite people and their devotion to various patron gods, The great issue facing each one of us, Is it rising sea levels and freak weather caused by global warming? Is it depletion of the ozone layer,...
Does God Hold Us Responsible ? ????? Of course, you may never have thought about the matter. -- If this is your opinion-- Who holds us accountable ?-- God.---- Who, then, fixes our fate ? Many would...
A bit of a hiatus (lockdown, work, personal things etc) but finally read the Bible all the way through, again! How on earth can anybody read this mess and believe its the word of (any) God is beyond...
Ive refrained from posting on here for the last week...but just cant help myself sometimes! Just read through Theland's 'Return of the God Hypothesis' thread. I have to ask How many sane people,...
Would you say GOD is to blame for all he suffering in the word to day . And if you do {AND WHY }
THE bibles answer to this question ? ? 2 Corinthias 11. 14 Ezekiel 28. 13,15...
Why is it that locusts and goodlife always appear on AB at more or less the same time. They both appear within days (or less) of each other and then both disappear for weeks on end. They both preach...
It is painful to watch a loved one suffer and die. We naturally grieve such a loss. It is comforting to know, however, that our Creator, understands our grief. More than that, he longs to use his...
Best estimates for the age of the universe is 13.8 billion years. Why did this god character wait 13.79999999999999 billion years before popping adam and eve out. And why didn't Noah have any...
A quote from Naomi on the, '' Benign,'' thread :- . This selfish God says worship him or woe betide you, and the cowardly do as they are bid lest they compromise the safety of their souls in defence...
When Jesus Christ was on earth, he gave his listeners a lesson in observing signs and acting accordingly. He was talking about something of far-reaching importance. The Bible reports: “The Pharisees...
If you don't believe in God, then you don't believe God created life. But the secular materialist scientists have found it impossible to create even the simplest life form in the laboratory. So, do...