Can you recommend a good armband for a 3g nano, which can be used with nike +. Want one that stays firmly on your arm when running. Any suggestions would be great thanks. M
Does anyone have any ideas on songs that I can put on a cd to let a special someone know I still care. A previous suggestion I've had are You Do Something To Me by Paul Wellar which is an artist he...
I remember watching Screen Test when I was a kid - where budding child film makers showed their own creations I think... Does anyone remember exactly how it worked and id anyone who was on it actually...
Does anyone remember this American show that was on in the 70s? I remember watching it as a kid. It was about a dad and son (both called John of course!) who swapped places and carried on in the...
I am a partner in Juice disco, North London's leading Mobile disco. Next week, we have to do a party for the big wigs at Phones 4 u at a posh Regents Park Hotel. What telephone related tunes could we...
I'm moving to Bristol and currently listen to Capital with Johnny Vaughan on my way to work. Any ideas of what to listen to in the Bristol area which isn't rubbish? Thanks
Who gave Andrew Lloyd Webber a lobotomy between the Joseph programmes? I was speechless with rage and AB was broke and I had no-one to rage to!!!! How come that wimpy Lewis is still there and Daniel...
When putting a door key in a lock, which way is the 'right way up'? Does it mean the flat side on top or the jagged side on top? Dying to get to the bottom of this ridiculous argument!
I always avoid baking potatos although I really like them. My memory of trying to do it previously is that they are never nice when done in a microwave, but that it takes soooo long in a conventional...