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Does this mean our cyber affair is over?  :o/
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I was chattin up some bird in Singapore .... while vying for her attention I suggested we go up to my/or hers hotel room ... to relax .. her reply!!!!!! ............... "I'd rather have a smear...
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what end are you in ........ shallow or deep?
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rub your finger behind your ear and smell it? ............ is it good/bad?
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world peace ............ or the perfect face/body
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Chatting at work the other day the convo turned to:  If you had your partners full approval would you have sex with someone else for a million quid. (kinda like that film)  Out of...
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OK, I noticed this being done a lot on CB... I've been busy at work and haven't gotten to chat on AB lately...can anyone update me on what I've missed? Who is noonie? Nice ta meet ya noonie  ;0)...
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Who in your humble opinion, Is the sexiest ABer? Male and female please people.
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Inspired by Georgi managing to break someone's arm whilst taking a penalty (at football not Tae Kwon Do) I wondered who has managed to break bones on other people and how did you manage it? I broke my...
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what is everybody up to tonight?
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Can you all describe yourselves? Age, height, likes, dislikes etc etc?
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If someone told you now you had 1 hour to live and you could do absolutly anything you wanted to in that hour. What would you do.  Money is no object. 
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Derek Jamieson's son once threatened to punch me.   Your turn....
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hangover over gone now ... but still feelin a bit fruity as it's friday and i'm a bloke
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Am I the only person in the world who gets incredibly horny when I'm hungover .. it don't make sense as I'm too knackered to do anything about it anyway!!!
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Did you know that you can tell alot about someone from their favourite colour?  What's everyones favourite colour.  Mine is Dark Blue.
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What's everyones first names?
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How did people choose the names they are now known by on AB?
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I've got a work do tomorrow night and the dreaded ex is going to be there, (we work in the same company, luckily not the same floor!) Any advise?
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how many of you CBers actually know each other.  My sources tell me that Ned and Buttons work in the same office as each other.  So 'fess up...

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