If you had to compare your looks with those of a celebrity, who would you rate yourself on the same scale as? I dont mean who do you look like, I mean who are you on the same scale as.
Ok, I'm going to try and cheer it up a bit in here... Who, in your opinion, is the funniest comedian ever? Past and present, old and new, male and female?
Does anyone know what type of boots Matt Damon Wore in the Bourne Supremacy. Here is a link to a picture of them. http://bourne.drowned-world.net/ Click the Bourne Supremacy and go to the...
There was a pretest march outside Downing Street today by the ALZHEIMERS RIGHTS GROUP. They were heard to be chanting:- "WHAT DO WE WANT? WE DON'T KNOW" "WHEN DO WE WANT IT?...
I went for an interview the other day and they asked me a (weird) question... it was "if i could have dinner with 3 famous people, dead or alive, who would it be" I thought this was strange for...