17d - Offensive managed to reach Cambodia (4) I have - R?N? I thought it was going to be RAN ( managed ) and C ( Cambodia ) but is tere a word - RANC - from rancid? Also, I have been to Gravatar for...
25d - Chemical compound produced by a chimney in Glasgow
I have - A?U? Could be ALUM if a LUM is a Glaswegian chimley.
Not in my Oxford.
Many thanks in advance
GoGo the Clown...
24a - Upright piano tuner played without one (7) I have - P???T?N 25d - Sort of bible contains English minister's address (3) I have - ??S Note - 1st letter of 25d is 3rd letter of 24a Many thanks in...
10d - Speed on one's journey (10) I have - E?P?D????? 12a - Jets protrude on board (6) I have - ???U?S 20a - False statement you heard about the place (4) I have - ???U ( could be LIE+U ) 22a - Merely...