Any help with these four clues would be appreciated. Thank you. 1 down Deer sereved in large meat-plate-this'll collect the refuse(9)?S??????? 13 down Restyle IOM differently so as to annoy(10) no...
14 across Suitable tower suggested by Dr Spooner for a fighter(8)SPI?KI?E 9 down Drinking place- get drunk here during dance(8) ?EE?HALL Any help would be appreciated.Thank you.
Any help with the following clues would be much appreciated.Thank you. 1 across TV show for the young family,not new-I put in disc(6) K?DBIE 17 down Ancient Palestinian slightly inhibited formerly(7)...
22 Down. Cook Maria-s...a dried sesame possibly (6)
I have D_SEED
If those letters are right I have tried each vowel with no success.
Thanks in advance for any help or hints...
Any help with these clues would be appreciated. Thank you. 8 down- In dire straits at Oxford in opposition to hanky-panky?(11 letters,3 words) ??????NS?I? 13 down Endless sin at all times according to...
Stuck on these few clues; any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 8 across- Had less to become worried about?(7) ??S???? possibly hassled? 8 down- Conservtaive twitcher heading for the look...
Any help with these clues would be much appreciated.Thank you. Herculis-4 down- Flying insect of the order hesperiidae,resembling a cross betwen a butterfly and a moth in form(7) ?A?P?E? St2484- 10...
Stuck on these 3 clues any help[ would be appreciated. Thank you. 13 across-Pack for america in part of ship(4) ?E?? 18 across-Pay with tenner,say,for extra information(low-down) (8) ?O???O?E 3 down-...