I would like to share an experience with you all about drinking and driving. As you well know some of us have been known to have had rare brushes with the authorities on our way home from one social...
QUESTIONS THAT HAUNT ME! How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered? Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were...
"Your dog has been barking for the last three hours", I said to my neighbour this morning. "I have got a serious hangover, and I am trying to get some sleep." "It would probably help if you got out of...
Ever wondered what the real difference is between granny & grandad? A five year old is usually taken to her Kings Lynn school by her grandad. But when grandad had a bad cold, grandma did the school...
Sorry had this question on another site -- murray I asked you this question on another site - but why do you get up so early in the morning amongst others - is your day not too long. Do you go to bed...
I am looking for one of those clothes propper - you know when you hang your clothes up in the back with the big long stick that heightens the clothes. Argos won't respond. ta
Hi i went out for a walk to post a letter and I slipped on a plastic bag that I did not see and went a*** over tit breaking my glasses and banging my nose causing a nose bleed. As i am on a blood...
I would appreciate the Xenophobes keeping clear of this thread, we don't need their poisonous propaganda here. Following is an appeal from a British Soldier, George. Please read it. - - - - - - - - -...