Two Coffees in Heaven! Having arrived at the Gates of Heaven, Barrack Obama meets a man with a beard. 'Are you Mohamed?' he asks. 'No my son, I am St. Peter; Mohamed is higher up Peter then points to...
Just one but I can't see it
18a King of Judah's got half as much bottle again as the King of Israel (8)
i realise it's probably something to do with Jeroboams !...
Stuck on last 2
41a 4,3,6 select only the best ?R?? and ? C?E?S?
37d 4,2 make smaller
T??? i?
I just know someone out there will have already got these....
1a street urchin ---t------- (11) 6d wrote a later time on ----d-t-- (4-5) 9a inexpensive, but of dire quality c---p--------- (5,3,5) 20a breed of retriever -a--r---- (8) many thanks for your help...
Hi all I always get stuck on one it never fails lol. 77d Christmas tree decoration - - - - y I thought holly but ive got 86a as exile and 72d as artefact and 71a as tata - where have I gone wrong lol....
1. Robert, the axe-wielding American Red Indian (8,3)
T?M?H?W? / ??B
2. A show-off (7)
3. Accomodation to tun to (4,3)
??L? / ??D
Thanks in advance...