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Granny C

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Any clues for 19 and 100
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Granny C
These are my last two, can anybody help please? 1. Eucalyptus tree native to Australia. 2. Young herring. Thanks.
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Granny C
Please can anyone help? 23. A bag of rotten jumble 20.Home of the chocolate loving Lewis family. 31.Wife of William 1V 74.Interest of an Americal Mycologist. Thanks.
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granny helen
this is my own one can't think of these but you will probably find them easy, i have got some answers.these are CROPS. 7. look sharp to trap each seed. 5. hurry everyone to this corny town. 8. O grab...
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Granny C
This is my last one, please can anybody help. Caucasian leader of casting? [9]
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Granny C
Any help much appreciated, thanks. 1.Allow to,after Biblical town where water was allegedly turned into wine [9] 2.Greek giant embraces one Roman[6] 3. Causasian leader of casting?[9] 4.Chew noisily...
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Granny C
1.Elaborate pointless praise [5] 2.Knight left at home?[6] 3.Giant shown in state of shock(Direct Current)[10] 4.Prepare to repair in Africa[[8] 5.Activate oil mixture.{7]
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Granny C
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks 1M w t M 24 H f T 4 S on a V 4 A in a P
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Granny C
1.Turn up after endless bell-ringing[7] 2.Confine queen outside stronghold[10] 3.Cash register found in religious community[10] 4.Second smoked herring.[7] Please can anyone help! thanks.
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Granny C
1. Sounds even greater. [5] 2. Mat is sent to reveal impressionist[7] 3.Sculptress shows value is added to aid missing novice[8] 4. I and Vic arrange for enigmatic smile?[2,5] 5. Reportedly a country...
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Granny C
1.C was E of R W B was I in 43AD 2.H G D H H at S B in 1066. 3. S I was L in 1957 [Roman numeral!] 4.D B was C at G in D 1085. 5. C I was E at W in 1649[Roman numeral] 6. The B A C in 1948 and E in S...
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Granny C
answers as near as possible as to how they sound and are containers 2. Plural letter plus a deep hole 10.A recollection-the more you put in the more it holds. 18.Tutor Eastern Standard Time. 27.Starts...
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Does anyone else have the same two answers for Q21 and 25? Thanks.
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Granny C
answers to these cryptic clues are surnames of famous Johns. 2.Artist deceives the board. 7.Is he rigged out or has he peeled off? 11.I imagine it's easy to see why, when he had fallen,none could...
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1) Found in a warsaw bank? 2) Find this in warwickshire 3) Receiving stolen goods 4) My favourite food is custard in part 5) Dickens had this on the hearth 6) Vote Fines(anag)
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Granny C
answer to begin with the letter 'V' What does a Rheostat control, please?
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Granny C
Could anyone tell me please what is a word beginning with V for Having a protruding belly. Thanks in advance.
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Granny C
This is a cryptic clue and has two words in the Answer. Georges Bridge???????
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Granny C
These are all cryptic clues with the number of letters in the answer shown.and are all Wild Flowers Alternative pain [6] Liverpool F.C.Mr.Marvin [8] Four at the start of the year[3]
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Granny C
This is a cryptic clue and the answer is two words. George's bridge? Please can you help?

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