15. not red but cherry (7) 16. their tipple is whiskey (7) 30. don't be in the red like this little insect (10) 32. protect the change in London (8,5) 34. musical piece of furniture (11) 43. ones who...
Can anyone help with these: 28. ATWIED with DN 34. TTF of DJ with CL 37. MOTFS with RA Which film does this come from: 46. By the light of the silvery moon (3,5,2,3,5) Thanks
answers are 3 associated words[excluding the,and etc].example-Grim reaper -Old father time. If anyone would help me please I would be most grateful. 24.Up in a world of ones own. 29. Protectors in the...
20. Better than roast meat abroad.[] 24.Elections determine the next occupants[3.5.5.] 37.Bring one[French,female]hostage round for business.[5.5.] 46.Not very exciting or...
Please can anyone help on these last few. Thank you. 20.Piece of a roof covering[9]. 51. That's a rough lump swine[8]. 62. Does a swallow live here[5.6] .65. Crooner[7].
Has anyone received this quiz?? I posted GME No 19 which was the one titled AKA on 18th March with a ?1 cheque which I have only just realised has not been cashed and I anm now wondering if my entry...
Any help would be much appreciated, thank you. 12. Not the lower level. 13.Hold things together. 14.Stop at the blooms.15.Global police. 34.Watch out! Hole!
Is anyone doing this quiz please, if so could they help with some logos. I need the first three on the left hand column and the 2nd on the right. Sorry but just can't describe them. Many thanks.
Unknown beer seemingly appears before last of WW1 Battlefields?[10] Can anyone help me please, I thought I had finished but then found this one missing. Thank you.
Would anyone help me with these please. 1.Spin coconut fibre and err endlessly [9] 2.Comb before noon then gain meritorious award.[8] 3.Pavlova genealogy proves revealing.[6] 4.Spacer separates string...