Appreciate any help with the following: 1 American black cuckoo 5 Greater black-backed gull 9 A Paunch belly 49 Jonathon livingston 65 Prince of thieves 73 Pantomime parent
7.Break a bone by the end of the day. 10. For example ring the changes. 8.Loud but with a limp. 12.It's the morning before beri-beri started.13.The French Day.29.The fuel which is right in the centre....
Any help would be much appreciated with the following, thank you. 3. I.A.I.W.T.B.N.A.G. 9. L.T.D.S.T.R. 12. T.A.T.W.F.N.M. 21. T.W.D.M.A.H. 22. W.T.H.A.S.
Would anyone help me please with my last two. No.27 it is a drawing of what looks like two pairs of feet in the top left hand corner.[7] 51.A letter C by the side of a picture of a bridge.[6]. Thank...
Places in Lincolnshire 2,A measure of herring and how you are feeling -I trust. 7. Heavy stuffing. 8.Short horizontal flashy jewellery. 10.Start physical education after the writer. 17.Cinder...
Been trying to figure these last three questions out for the past week, would really appreciate some help.. Answers are all creatures of some sort. 4. Pester (6) begins with B 11. A mount for a...
35)Injury to the epidermis caused by a female sorcerer(9) 36)You might think this was a lawless town in the old Wild West (8) 47)First crown prince not born at the palace was probably kept in this...
Please can you help me just have these last 4 to do. 13.Cause of congestion of the roads[beginning with Ce-ch]. 25.No sting in the tail[beginning with either D or E] 69.Sounds like a card game at the...
could anyone tell me the name of these 2 flowers please. 59.A smart sweetheart's choice[beginning with either p ,q,or r.] 60.Got up in many colours[beginning with either p,q,or r] thank you.
answers begin with either A or B 1.Not always at sea. 2.Norfolkman questioned his wife. 3.Metallic cheese on the beach. 5.Doesn't need to be new. Thank you.
2)Long-piled velvet (5) 38)A jealous rider? (9-5) 31)Demise of the South African mongoose/ (4-3) 43)Religious man boarded the train (10) 62)A set of horns on deck?(5) 95)Sounds like granny has a...