Please can you help with the following 8. Smart Cat (9) 12. Quiet back pain (8) 15. Place of punishment (6) 23. Birds sound like cats (8) 39. Sounds disgusting eh? (5)
Please can you help with the following 8. At 6.09 Heather joins government top table (6 7) I am thinking of 'Filing Cabinet' but I can't fit 6.09 in 15. Not moving change a letter (10) 16.For a... ...
Last 3 please can you help? I'm sure that the answers are obvious but I'm struggling. No number of letters given. 1. Take away evade intentionally (Begins with A) 8. Motor Vehicle taken without ... ...
Any recommendations for energy suppliers? We've been with Octopus for quite a few years but have moved and now looking at other suppliers, It's very confusing.
Last 2 please can you help? 20. Ex PM makes balance (5) Libra fits the letter count but I can't see how it fits the clue 28. Goddess sharp to imprison plant (5 3 4)
'On the Twelfth day of Christmas' Please can you help with the following. 12.Used to describe a situation in which something is or has to be exactly right (10) 18. Missed her midterms and flunked... ...
Please can you help with the following? Answers are in alphabetical order 12. Describes two us presidents in the first year of their lives (4 4) begibswith B or C 35. Popular reptile loses two... ...
Famous roads streets squares around the world - Pleasecan you help with the following?! 15. Even Mr Gallagher takes fantasy tree creature to shape capital place (10 6) 43. Nothing gets to scam Ms... ...
Has anyone heard of this company? They claim that te conservatories are quicker to build as the have a 'unique steel base floor and wall system and can be installed in a day removing the Nedd for... ...
Please can you help me with the following quizzes Wildwood - places on a route across England 1. Namesake of Tinseltown (9) Drinks quiz - places on a route across UK 1. Record in drink(6) 2.... ...
Please can you help with the following - celebrities past and present. No number of letters given 12. He earned banjos sort of - for a dance strictly speaking 13, Football teams get 3 points ... ...
All the answers are 6 or 7 letters long Please can you help with the following? 9. Up above the trees and houses (7) 53. From Sesame Street loves q69 (6 7) 65. It is a picture of the top of a word... ...
Connecting words before and after Please can you help with the following? 19. Hot Tomato Brown (5) 28. High Low Moderate (11) 30. Box Cricket Tennis (5) 44. Star Jelly Pie (4) 48. Writer Busters Story... ...