Please can you help with the following Dingbats all boy's names 5. 2 eyes with an arrow pointing to the bottom of the left eye with LOWER under the arrow 11. Gravestone with RIP on it and the letter B...
Please can you help with the following- the answers are all connected with past and present sea-side staycations 5. Call it by its name (5) 18. Instruction to people who don't want to be found (2 2)...
I haven't seen this quiz posted on here and it can be obtained from QUIZ Samaritans 111 Montagu Street Kettering NN16 8XJ C/D 31 October Cheques £1 Kettering and District Samaritans It is Cryptic...
Good afternoon Technology experts I am having major trouble with my Talk Talk internet and we lose signal 5/6 times a day and no internet access which affects Sky mobile phones and even Alexa. Am I...
Struggling with the last 4 - please can you help Answers are related to the sea in some way 6. Water at one end of the magnet (5 3) (something sea) 7. I can twist cap of ice here (7 5) 8. Nothing...
Last 1 I'm not 100% happy with it
Answers relate to colours and shades single mixed and include and sayings songs films books flora and fauna.
36. Mother, you have colour! (5) I have mauve...
Please can you help with the following
2. Musical instrument, and French (6)
8. What the boar intended (7)
17. Shout like a cow (6)
19. Church dignitary (8)...
Please can you help with the following - no number of letters given Link words 15. Lot - School - Stale (Begins with a letter between H - N) 18. Holder - Sweep - Out (begins with letter between R-T)...
Please can you help with the following 27. Hosts a TV programme that aims to overcome maths phobia among young children (3 5) I have Odd Squad but that isn't anyone's name 39. 1992 candidate in the...
Last one please can you help? Answers relate to tennis and areas near as possible to how they sound. No number of letters given 34. It's a din I thought that it might smash but I have that for 35....
Please can you help with CLUES for the following. Sorry that there is so many 9. Apparently it’s too shocking to refer to these(14) 10. Sights for sore eyes (10) 23. Sound investments (7 4) 30 Head...
Please can you help with the following All the answers are cryptic and relate to food and drink 2. Neck... Lincoln .... Ruby (4 5 5) 18. Often seen on Star Wars set (8) 22.A slice for Bugs Bunny (6 4)...