Title of unsuccessful sequel to musical No, No, Nanette Religious sect with ancient originsfound in the middle east District of Glamorganshire Have "googled" to no avail!
Just the last hurdle to go. With my atlas, my failing memory and as alway the very helpful ABers I have one left to go. Places in Britain. Structures for shipping coal (9)
Places In Britain (alphabetical answers) 3. A creek (4) begins with X Y or Z 8. Paddle by the structure spanning the river (10) begins with T U V or W 19. Structures for shipping coal (8) begins with...
Thank you to everyone who has been so kind helping me with this quiz. I am still flummoxed with 6. They are all places in Britain. 20 Deposit horn (11) 26 Fat Babs? (12) 46 Where nuts may be...
Time is running out and despite a last push I am still quite a few adrift. As I haven't seen any postings for some time I can only asume that everyone else has finished. Help would be much...
I will have around 30 guests staying for five days at Christmas - please help with any suggestions for games quizzes and fun afternoons/evenings - I have screened horse racing and of course bingo and...
Hey - I won last Saturday's DTGK crossword! I was neatly folding the page to do this week's when there it was - my name! I am surprised you did not hear the shriek all over the land!! Thanks to all...
Please can anyone help me with the link words from the sat telegraph. I wrote them on the paper when I cut out the crossword and my grandson thought that I had finished with it. He is well into...
I have searched the last posts to Fri and can't find any mention of 32 across. I thought that this was Cantinflas but it doesn't fit with the F of Buckfastliegh. Any guidance would be appreciated I...
Kitten floundering !!! Any help much appreciated ... 2. What two word term completes the phrase 'Diamond of the ...............' to signify a diamond of greatest value fot its size, due to its...
I've done well with this cryptic and only need one. 15a 6 letters Potential enquiries sir left about horses E_U_ _ E I thought that it might it might be Equine but cannot fit the whole clue to it All...
I seem to have hit a blank spot with the rh corner of yesterday's crossword. 14d 9L A_R_A_E_ _ - contract 19d 7L H_A_H_ _ - Philistine 26a 5L Hopefully one of my fellow abers will be kind enough to...
Would someone be kind enough to give me the shaded answer from Saturday's Telegraph GK crossword. I have been at a naval reunion this weekend and didin't get time to get the paper let alone do the...
I'm stumped with 3 of the dingbats any clues would be gratefully received. 40) g m= ------ n 41) PR ------ ER 9) E=mc2 (-!-) I know that Smart Bum (A**E) has been suggested for this - I just wonder if...
Just got the answer to this The cost of the fur coat was 12 and a half guineas (?13 2 6 ) Thanks to everyone who bought this from me. The organisers are thrilled that so many entered this time. There...
Still struggling on No,s 14,61,63,71,78,81,102,112, 114,115,116,118,119,120,124,128,130. i don,t think No,78 can be done, ie you would have to go faster than the speed of light to do it? any hints...