2)Departing gear (There is a certain name for this I think) 9)Circles 10)'Her' Servant ? 14)Enemy digit charts 19)Ultimate chap 21)Fastener in tact Thanks for any help
striker for spurs 7,8 D---T-R -E---T-- referring to a famous greek philosopher ---T-N-C drink often added to gin --R-O--- south african test cricketer 5,7 --A-- ------K US candidate's brief appearance...
Any ideas please. Answer is an underground station. 'I will come here when I become wealthy' My first thought was Mansion House but not quite sure about that. Thanks in anticipation.
Help please section 1,word associated with the game of bowls. Is the dogs name Jack, can I have Jack twice? Warm red Jacket? Is it we bowled out of the door? Suddenly a rabbit ???? out of the...
Has anyone else noticed that answers are being removed for no reason from posts?. I have just looked back to a question posted earlier and there are only 2 answers left. This happened on a post...
I am stuck on the following section 3(Places in Lincolnshire) no.2. The plumbers been here before Section 4. (Book Titles) No.15.The M A at S Section 5 (Ditloids) .5. F T,E of B .7. P of W Would be...
Section 3 2. The plumber's been here before 15 A wee farm Section 4, books and their authors 1. LCL 16. CCM 19. TTLU the S Section 5, number related. 1= F the R 3=LM from SAW 4= H of the A Thanks. J