Last couple please: 5d: Musical Instruments ? (P.S. her jaws open for them). 4-5 ?e?s-?a?p? 7d. Interjection when you hear the barrier collapse. 4 ?a?n 20a. A number of minds must beg the question?...
Last couple, some may already have been answered 3D: Figures make any theory highly scientific. ?a?h? (may be Maths) 4D: ... as a result of a dot above an umlaut. ?r?o 24D: A heaven for inception we...
RTR Guide, last couple 11A: In that little issue of water, didnt he disclaim responsibility for any charges. C?l??? 13A: The last you'll hear of a caterwaul, Hmm. ?u?a 22A: How often, without end,...