7 Person who can't spell anoints new members of old sect (13)
I have ?U?G?E?O?I?N?
Suspect I have something wrong. All help very gratefully received....
1a Second woman to join the bosses - that gives an opportunity for 12 (10)
12 is wheelie.
6d Poet somehow conveying right idea with a line (5,9)
All help gratefully received!...
12a Unionists backed hon sec, sacked after South Shields (10) I have ?C?T?????? 27a Reportedly brakes in one limousine put off head of state (7) I have I?R???S All help gratefully received....
20 Name of girl in the CPR (5)
I have N?D?A - so Nadia seems 'obvious' but don't understand CPR reference and given that could it be Nedna, Nedda etc.?
All help very gratefully received!...
Struggling to get going. All help gratefully received.
10 Socialist leader, despite amazing success initially, unfortunately resigns (5,5)
8 Warm bottom among three rated wobbly (6-7)...