Having lost all of my chuffing numbers recently (dropped the phone in the bog), how can I safely store all of my numbers. Is there a safe device ?
How do the finances work for a festival such as Reading or Leeds? How much do bands get paid? How much do fast food people have to pay? How much do the land-owners get? How much for security? Where is...
What alloy is used for petrol pump alloys? It obviously does not produce a spark when clunked into the car's petrol tank by some heavy-handed buffoon. Maybe the Darwinian theory could be allowed to...
Are there any darts competition which allow men and women to compete together. I have never understood why they are segregated. Surely a woman can throw as well as a bloke?
Like a silly sausage I have just put my Nokia 6233 through the washing machine. It's completely knacked the phone. Can I get the numbers off it in any way ?