Motto for shagging athletes to shout in the Olympic Village? (6,6,8) Rows after having an erection? Tough titties! (4,5) Having a bash, though without necessarily being on top: a cynical claim by most...
JUst a few left ...
2d in advance of (5,2) i?i?r ?o
30d annually published list of events (7) ?l?????
37a site of the US Congress (74)???i?o? b?l?
Many thanks, Chox....
I have completed it but am puzzled as to the parsing of what I think is the solution to 27 across. I work it out as ectosarcs but the clue says "shocking way to treat curvature in bone cell...
3 short and any help gratefully received 10a Lake 40 miles north of Toronto ?C?G?G 5d Ultimate in Paris D?R?I?R 28d Upper pleistocene fossil naked after the Java river where skull fragments were...
Scots save one of their large buildings that's caught fire. HA?N
Pip in depression book initially depressed (B)LUES ? If so, why does pox become pip?...
Can't get right hand side!! 8d 3,8,4 (15) ??? ???????? ???? how crossword setter might clue old car and sty? A place for pigs! 18d (8) ???????? He may be a fighter but he hates the gore 29a (8)...
Please can anyone help
10 across Murder in West Indies, extremely predictable and senseless
two words 4 and 3 ??P? O?P
not too sure about the p 7 down Most violent end I have endmost....