15a bloodsuckers latching onto a couple of donkeys--awfully big 'uns(8,4)
22d gets away from ducks perhaps?(6)
25d root to eat with salt and nothing more(4)...
16a Large oval Indian Diamond part of Crown jewels ?o?/ i /?o?r
43a In the Bible the father of King David ?e???
37d Hybrid model of Toyota recently subject to recall p?i??
Many thanks in advance...
good morning, help please 11down one studying nature or physics,say (9) d?i?w?i?t im not sure about the w that comes from 18across light yellowish brown (5) i put tawny . thanks in advance
8a Rubbish musical about Old Testament 3-3 ?O?-??R 24a Goes for clever trick reported (4) ?E?S 2d Poet excluded in speech (4) ???D I hate short words in Crosswords they make me cross!!! All help...
Am stuck on a few this morning, some help would be appreciated, please. 2d owner of a French cafe in square near to island (4,6) ?e?? ?r???s 20a slow burner given name after disease is curtailed (10)...
I assume 1 down is Dodd, but why and could some kind soul put me out of my misery and answer my last one.... 14 ac About to invade a controversial composer's area (7) A_r_a_e Many thanks in advance...
Last three interconnected. 18a. Fresh thinking is extensive in Nebraska, for instance (3,5) N(E)W ???A?, 23a. Lady with sex appeal gets cheer (5) S?R??, 19d. Country house in decay, City not involved...
11D A religious man the queen took to be a crawler (5) ?D?E? Got the answer ADDER, but don't really understand why! Any help wpuld be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
11) receiver of communications (9) ??t?e???x
12) lengthy charge (7) ??r?a?e
16) This Parisian tends to be included in the purge (7) ??e?n??
Any help appreciated thanks,...
1A Of necessity (8) P-R-O-C-
34A Ejection from a window (14) -E-E---T-A-I-N
45A Coarse Material (7) B-C-R-M
55A Canopy over four poster bed (6) T-S-E-...