What is the significance of the Special instructions: "Solutions to asterisked clues are capitally linked, directly or indirectly, and are not further defined"
Please help!...
Have come to a grinding halt! 20,22d Added to pipe going round porch and 5 separately (4,3,5) O???/???/A???? and 25a Making a celebrity out of Heather who holds leadership of office by decree (9)...
25 down An organ of vegative reproduction in plants such as 26 down CO??
26 down Cultivated plant with white yellow or purple flowers is it CROCUS
Can't get very far with this one at all this morning, would appreciate a bit of help, please ... 3d messy situation boxers, say, bring under control quickly (4,9) ???? b???????t 8d writing American...
Please!!! 50 A. Problem at the extremeities for artist on Sunday arranged to finish overseas 8 and 7 32A Fish leads split in the cbnurch it's said. but it shouldn't be. -o-e---- 33D Harp or, on field...
19a Bird in english clothing (8)_ E???B?N? and 15d Downfall of island state after mid-February (8) I wanted Ruritania but no go - R???????N. Many thanks - struggle, struggle.
Here is a link to 'Round pound and penny' by Doc. http://thespectator.n...om/epaper/viewer.aspx An early start as I have been invited to a special assembly at my Grandson's school. Fortunately the...
Last one to do, 25 ac One economising rarely - burden has eased (9) H - S - A - D - - Now I thought it was HUSBANDRY but the Y on the end made 9 d wrong so now I don't know what it could be unless...
10a Was contemptuous of including honorific neglected (7)DIS?ST?
Someone posted earlier that they regularly complete AZED but find the Spectator too difficult. I have the opposite problem....