16a the second month of the French revolutionary calendar(8) - - - m-n--
I thought that this was brumaire but gernal looks to be the answer - help please
15ac small amphibious military vehicles. W?a?e?s. 19. The lengthening of a short syllable. E?t?s?s. 26. a small grey shark with a long snout. ?o?e. many thanks in advance.
can any one please help me with the answers to these questions. they are supposed to be names of soups. 5.. instant croatian vegetable. 16. complain simmpleton. 22. coloured english royal borough. i...
Can anyone help please?
1d Old rem for a compnion or mate F - R -
18d a drink of tea S -R -U - - - h
29a A funeral lamentation - O - - - A - H
Many thanks
7d The rust fungus, an order of parasitic Basidiomycetes (9) U - E - I - E - E. I know the rust fungus is UREDINALES, but, assuming the answer is a common name for this, how is it spelt? Thanks in...