This follows on from a Q a few months ago. It has been reported that the estimate is now ?9 Billion, almost four times the original budget set just two short years ago, and as we are still five years...
Why don't we bring home say 1000 troops and put them on the streets of south londay and go and hunt these gang members down like they do with Bin Ladin and his mob. That will show these wanna be who...
There are now tougher penalties for drivers caught using hand-held mobile phones. The offending drivers will now not only pay a fixed penalty of ?60, but they will also have three points added to...
Iraqi oil reserves are now to be privatised. i.e. sold to US multinationals =/news/2007/02/27/wiraq27.xml Is that mission accomplished then?
Abu Qatada looses appeal, i course he will appeal against it, is it no time we stopped giving haven to people like him, your thoughts,,2 021713,00.html...
Just because Blair and Co. cannot persuade our NATO Allies i.e. Germany, France etc. to send any of their troops into the firing line in Afghanistan. Why should he send even more of our troops out?...
i was speaking with a mate of mine at work today,He was saying the americans are positioning warships in the sea. In order to attack iran,Is this true...?
With obvious unpopularity of the raod pricing scheme, do you think TB is pressing ahead with what will alienate millions of voters in order to sabotage Brown's chances in the next election? Assuming...
Tony Blair has announced that the UK is to withdraw 1,600 troops from Iraq. The troops will be withdrawn if Iraqi forces secure the southern part of the country. More than 130 British troops have dies...
LONDON, England (CNN) -- Britain's Prince Harry will be sent to Iraq to command a tank unit, the Defense Ministry confirmed Thursday. Harry -- third in line to the throne -- is expected to be deployed...
Chelsea football club has announced that it has reduced its yearly losses to ?80 million in the last year. This is compared with ?140m in 2004-5 and the London club is predicted break even by the...
This question leads on from a previous topic; What should be done about gun crime? Should a member who is constantly posting racist posts and questions...
I bought a music video from itunes with the belief that, as my ipod has a section entitled "music videos", I could download it onto my ipod - however, there doesn't seem to be a way...
Hi. I saw Nick Cave and the bad seeds on The Culture Show the other night and thought it was a band I'd like to get into. Can anyone recommend which album I should begin with?
Last night's main news contained a report about the expected rise in Banding for many houses in England 'due the increase in property values'. It then made a point about one-third of properties in...
Blair has shown his true colours. The bill went thru parliaments and this was not mentioned. Everyone feared it but that liar said it wont be used for this purpose. Now it turns out the liar was after...
Lets just say that in 1945 Hitlers germany had won the war,would this country be any worse off,would we have blacks killing each other in cities,would we have muslims trying to kill us on the bus and...