Struggling today 14a Alien seen in bar, selling on the high street (6) r - t - - - 18a offered to look after wild deer (8) t - n - - - - - 21a row right after match (4) - - - - 23a a green set to...
Can anyone help with number 45 Female (4,3) for a film title, I've seen the answer as Iron Man buy I don't understand how the clue Female would be Iron man
5a coloured pencil caught fabric (6) c - a - - - (would this b crayon)? 7d Oz, where spring hasn't begun (5) - - n - e 16a Lawyer on foot, so foolish (4) - a - t 18a interrupted ringing sound with...
I don't have all the letters - can anyone please help with the name of a comedian & actor c l a r i k v r y ??? - would it be larry vickers?...
ll answers are sweets 4/ Taken on the first successful expedition to the summit of Everest (6,4,4) 10/ A halt in play or a punishment (4 3 ) 13/ Supemova used to have a gemstone in its name (9) 23/...
12a evil deed associated with a war area (6) - r - m - a
17d feature a country (5) c -i - -
22a los angelas thug finds lots of water (6) - - - o - n
18a public persona (5) i - a - e 41a embroiodery style (7 6 ) - - - - - e - / s t i t c h 48a hit ot influence (5) - - - - t 33d travel or succeed (2 6 ) - o - - - - - s 37d is unqualified to (6 )c -...
29a arab capital city (5 ) - a - r -
90a white fungal growth (6) - - - - e -
90b autobiographical account (6) - - m - e -
86d wheel shaft (4) a - - -