16d unwritten rules that make borders more taxing (7) C - - - O - S 17d a tornado destroyed by the indian oven (7) T - - - O - R 21a employing a group of Kathmandu singers (5) - - - - - thanks...
4d tv detectives may find that a crime was done on ------- (unpremeditated) I - P - - - O 11a there has to be a low ----- to studio audience numbers (5) - - M - t 22a some of rod hull's emu's...
16a go round, turning out right (4) - o - r
15d traffic adopting rubbish incentives (7) c - r - o - -
23a good to stir, bringing complaint
thanks in advance for any help...
41a fierce feud (7,6) - i - - - - - / d - t - - - 47d lettered [age cut - outs (5,5) t - u - b /- n - e - 42d perform, portray (5) - - a - t 31d from the beginning (3,5) a - l / - - -n - 69d...
16a sarcastic (6) i - o - - c
34d of many kinds (7) - i - - r - e
94 oof ---- rocky pinnancle (5) - - - r -
87d rubbed gently (7) - - - o - - d
many thanks for any help...
12 a boy bagging trophy, is very accurate (4,2) - P - - / - N . I'm thinking it may be spot on but not sure why? 13d sweet time to agitate (7) - - U - - - - 20a paper covering new union members (8) -...
6d time for showing grief they say (7) m - R - I - - 14a sets fire to offal (6) L - - - T - 21a nothing in honours list title, blow it (4) - - O - 19d strength of spiri shown in dmeonstration (5) P -...