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1d undecided matter (4, 8) - P - - / - U- S - - - N 16a after stoppages (4) - - T - 34d chirping insect (6) - i - A - A 61d indirectly refer (6) A - L - - - 71a consumer of a product (3 4) e - - / - S...
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1a preoccupy (6) - - S - S - 16a cpnsideration (14) - - O - L - T - U - - - S - 19a incomprehensible (14) - N - F - E - L - - - B - E 1d oxidizing agents (8) - - I - - - - - thanks again...
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41a former name for shetland (7) - - T L A - D 31d geographical dictionary (9) G - - - T - E - R 74d religious pamphlet (5) T - A - T Is is trait or tract? 73a very skilled, proficient (5) A - E - T...
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61a make exultant (5) 76a man made fibre (5) o - - o - 81a music to be played slowly (6) - - - G - O 96a sharp ringing sound (5) C - - - K 59d bring into force (5) E - - - T 68d type of ATV (4 4 ) - U...
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102 a dangerous tobacco constituent(3) T - R 96A cut corners (5) S - I - - 86D bland expressions (10) E - - - - M- S - S 52D river fish of the carp family (5) T - - - H 4d skiing location (6,3) A - N...
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I.S.M.K.S.C. M.A.W. P.O.T.W.S.
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13a in an inflexible manner (7) R - - - - - Y 2d Appalled (6) - - - A - T 3d wood-based building material (inits) (3) - - - 46d painkilling drug (7) - M - - - I - 54a divide in two (6) - - - E - S 69d...
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18a pickling herb - (4) D - - - 9a river on exmoor (3) E - E 17d alpine pass (3) - O - 23d discerning (6) - S - U - E thanks...
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51a leave unprotected (6) E - - - S - 52d medicine bottle (5) - - - - L 96a overheard (5) A - O - T thanks...
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46a secrete (5) E - U - E 60a Carve in relief (6) E - - - S - 61d go Against (the trend) (4) - - C - thanks again...
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29d cover with plaster (6) R - N - - R THANKS...
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56d soluble mineral salt (6) A - - A- - 67a award winning actress (4,6) K - T - / - - - K - - 68d priest serving in a cathedral (5) - - N - N 69d yellowish white colour (5) - - o - Y 63d evergreen...
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1 female guest star of Morecambe and wise, christmas show 1971? 2 did Cosima Wagner hear on Christmas Morning what 3 What did William Moyners discover on dec 25th 1643. Thank you....
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21a ..... one of David's songs for the USA's famous uncle, we're told (5) - S - L - 23d A sailors' cry? Ah, an isalnd in Orkney, we hear (4) - H - Y thanks...
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13d music with recurring theme (5) - O - D - 58 a lyrcicist (3) I - A 34d Glasgow cricket club - (7) - I - - O - D 11d secure with a belt (4 ) G - - D 18a enrich (4) G - - D thanks for your help...
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identifying uniform of a member of a guild (6) L - V - R - substance used in decorative mouldings (6) - T - C - - one who has made a will (8) T - S - A - - - many thanks...
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21d venerated people (6) - A - N - S 104d indian spice mixture (6) M - S - - A thanks...
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111d alkaline water (3) L - E 66a travel agent's tour guide (7) C - - R - E - 60a sprinkle from a perforated container (4) S - - T 81a blot (on landscape) (6) - M - - - H 82d contact (5) - - A - H...
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7d three card trick (4,3,4) F - N - / T - E / - A - - 24A Historical farmer (6) - - O - A - thanks...
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2a powerful lights used in studios (4) A - - - 3d a driver like sid james in taxi (6) - - B - A - 18a I was - - - - - d as Frankie howerd used to say (5) A - A - - thanks...

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