I have a large tax bill for underpayment of company car tax. Company failed to tell the tax man what car I was driving. Whos fault is this and canI get the company to pay?Is there a 'watchdog'...
Just been reading about a prisoner who escaped and phoned the police to complain that his jail was too soft! Now if the prisoners think that, I mean how far from Butlins must our prisons be?
I'd written that .... Name three songs you could die happy if you had written them because they are just that powerful - mine are: 1. Man Of The World - Fleetwood Mac 2. If You Could Read My...
One very disappointed practitioner of risky auto-eroticism? (6) C_O_E_ Think it might be CHOKED or CHOKER. Which, if either, and why? Many thanks, in anticipation, for any help received