I thinkI am stuck on the same few as everyone else,but if anyone can help me I would be pleased 8.Cover the bus conductor 7 letters. 12,Sounds like gaelic visits.6 letters. 14.Roy or Kieran.6 letters....
Stuck on 2. 36a Large tropical wets african tree yielding hardwood. I have i-o-o and can't find anything Also 42 a of an argument personal not objective (2,7) I have -d-o-i-e- Any help gratefully...
4d imagine chalk polluting body of water
22a lower name and number
17d worrying long snake around european city -o-o-n-
15a dont worry about diamonds being seen...
Clue is " Scruples" 8 letters . i have S-R-P-E-. S from opus,R from mariner ,P from lordship and E from nudge, all of which i am pretty confident about.HELP
last two please, i hope!! city fades initially but this could show gallantry [or sexism] two words L??I?S?I?ST offer oneself as a possibilty and play piano inside ??P?Y ??apply many thanks...