20a. No date attached to vehicle with horses overridden once (8) --RR-YN-. 31a. In Scotland Bill is seeking legal judgement (6) L---NG. 34a. Ayr's smooth fellows given a going-over (4) --OD. 20d. Be...
1a. Quite young kid to join forces (7) --T---Y. 10a. Lucan, eg, is rattled leaving city area used for banking (9) --A---LI-. 29a. Recently found in old records,-should encourage respect (7) -P-AT-S....
11a. Chief scoundrel we found in Glasgow (5) R--OO. 12a. Part of plant offering unusual camouflage, fine silver being invisible (7) -A--O-E. 12a is I guess an anagram of 'camouflage' minus...
1a. More dull dismissing evergreen St John's man, perhaps (7) ---ID-R. 11a. In a spot for a snooze, pillow-case is plumped up by some measure of work (7) -ERG-RE. 23a. Burst a blood vessel when...
1a. Salt and piece of food left on top of oven before tea prepared (11) -R---BOR---.
15d. Advanced course not one to be taken up from this outdated description (9) -P--H----....
5d. Recurring hour of prayer before (6) SE-T-N.
16d. Evangelists meeting Celtic heir-who hates God? (8) -ITA--S-.
22d. Something in church not right? In comes explosive female (6) AL--E-....